Blahopřání od presidenta EMS

  • 6.10.2010
  • Aktuality

Prof. Paul Midgley, president EMS, blahopřál CSMS k získání pořadatelství IMC 2014.

Dear EMS member,

It is with great pleasure and pride that we can announce that the venue of the next International Microscopy Congress, IMC18 in 2014, is Magical Prague! Pavel Hozak and Martin Sasik did a great job in promoting Prague during the bid presentations at IMC17 in Rio de Janeiro. As a result of their efforts and the high intrinsic quality of the bid, Magical Prague was elected during the IFSM General Assembly on Thursday with an absolute majority after the first round of voting. We like to congratulate the team of Pavel and Martin and thank all EMS members for their support. We look forward to a great IMC18 in the heart of Europe. All the best, Paul Midgley EMS President Nick Schryvers EMS Secretary
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