Registrace / Registration
Fyzické osoby
Základní registrační poplatek obsahuje účast na prezenční formě konference.
Studenti (členi ČSMS) mohou zažádat o bezplatnou registraci (viz. registrační formulář pro fyzické osoby)
Fyzické osoby - registrace do 25.3.2025
Člen ČSMS - 4000 Kč
Nečlen ČSMS - 5000 Kč
Student - člen ČSMS - 2500 Kč (možnost zažádání o odpuštění poplatku)
Student - nečlen ČSMS - 3000 Kč
Právnické osoby (Firmy)
Právnické osoby (firmy) - registrace do 25. 3. 2025
Firemní účastník - 4500 Kč
NEW offer for small companies
Microscopy elevator pitch:
Offer for “small” Czech/Slovak companies (non CSMS members)
Conference venue, May 19, 2025, 17:30-18:30 (preliminary programme)
In the Czech and Slovak Republic, there are a number of companies that are engaged directly in electron microscopy; others work with its results. Are you one of them? Come to the "Microscopy elevator pitch," a side event of the CSMS annual conference, take the opportunity to present your company in 3 minutes to introduce your work to potential partners and get new contacts and inspiration. Your session will be smoothly followed by the conference/welcome dinner.
Price: 8 000 CZK includes registration fee, 3 minutes presentation.
Registration here
For more information or customised offer please contact us.
Registrace abstraktu do 25.3.2025
Registrace abstraktu není registrací fyzické osoby
- Text abstraktu musí být pouze v anglickém jazyce
Registration for individuals
The basic conference fee covers in-person form conference.
Students (CSMS members) can apply for free registration (see registration form for individuals)
- Registration with abstract submission until 25. 3. 2025
Member of CSMS - 4000 Kč
Non-member of CSMS - 5000 Kč
Student: Member of CSMS - 2500 Kč (possibility to apply for a fee waiver)
Student: Non-member of CSMS - 3000 Kč
- Registration for industry until 25. 3. 2025
Company representative - 4500 Kč
NEW offer for small companies
Microscopy elevator pitch:
Offer for “small” Czech/Slovak companies (non CSMS members)
Conference venue, May 19, 2025, 17:30-18:30 (preliminary programme)
In the Czech and Slovak Republic, there are a number of companies that are engaged directly in electron microscopy; others work with its results. Are you one of them? Come to the "Microscopy elevator pitch," a side event of the CSMS annual conference, take the opportunity to present your company in 3 minutes to introduce your work to potential partners and get new contacts and inspiration. Your session will be smoothly followed by the conference/welcome dinner.
Price: 8 000 CZK includes registration fee, 3 minutes presentation.
Registration here
For more information or customised offer please contact us.
Abstract submission until 25. 3. 2025
The abstract should be submitted in English.
Abstract submission is NOT registration for a whole conference.