Invitation for Advanced Optical Microscopy Fellowship on Trialect
- 17.6.2020
- Aktuality
October 2020 - December 2021 / Invitation for Advanced Optical Microscopy Fellowship on Trialect at Trialect
Maastricht University, The Netherlands, is inviting biomedical scientists from around the world for Advanced Optical Microscopy Fellowship on Trialect at Trialect. This is to gain expertise and establish and create a center of excellence. Scientists from emerging countries are encouraged to apply.
You can plan anytime between October 2020 and December 2021. We appreciate if you can refer your students or colleagues. The application process can be perused at Imaging Fellowship.
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI) is supportinging up to 15 Scientists who will work at the interface of biology, microscopy hardware, and imaging software at imaging centers from around the world. The initiative comes with the grant support of $250,000 per year for five years.
Click Here to Know More CZI Grant
Disclaimer: While this program is posted on Trialect in the best interest of a health professional, we are in no way affiliated with, endorsed, or supported by the sponsoring organizations.