Czechoslovak Microscopy Society
The Czechoslovak Microscopy Society is a voluntary organisation gathering scientists, pedagogical, technical and other specialists in the area of electron, optical and other types of microscopy. Its purpose is to develop and advance the standards in the field, to provide the conceptual prognosis/assessment and to promote the results of the research in the field.
The Society fulfils following objectives:
- Support of the progress in all branches and applications of microscopy, promotion of science and popularization of science to the public.
- Advancement and prognosis of achievements, encouragement and coordination of collaboration between members in research, education and praxis.
- Contribution to the growth of the academic level of members, particularly those who are novices in the field.
- Promotion of the relevant associated bodies related to scientific work to stimulate development in the field.
- Maintainance of the specialist expertise in projects involving microscopy techniques and equipment.
The Society is a member of the International Federation of Societies for Microscopy (IFSM) and the European Microscopy Society (EMS). It collaborates also with other international organisations of similar goals.
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